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One Week Vietnam Travel Guide

When you hear Vietnam, you think of Pho. But Vietnam is more than just its flavorful Pho and beautiful beaches. This Southeast Asian beauty is full of history, mouth-watering cuisine, and culture. And let me add crazy cheap beer!

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Siem Reap Budget and Travel Guide

Cambodia is known for its temples. If you have seen Tomb Raider, one of the most famous locations was the Ta Phrom and some Angkor temples. But if you don’t know, Cambodia is divided into two regions – Siem Reap and Phnom Penh, the capital. 

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Barcelona for First-Time Travellers on a Budget

A gorgeous city on the coast of northeastern Spain, Barcelona has many specialties; fabled architecture, captivating beaches, and towering temple columns. The Mediterranean city is a true blue artist’s heaven that boasts a thriving dining and drinking scene. 

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Places to Explore in Madrid

Madrid is famous for its historical structures, food markets, and Royalty. Renowned for its renaissance and contemporary art museums, unique neighbourhoods, and bustling nightlife, Madrid is a city of pleasure and energy.

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What to do in Maastricht

The capital city of the province of Limburg, Maastricht, is one of the most beautiful cities in The Netherlands. Set along both banks of the River Maas, it’s also one of the country’s most dynamic commercial and tourist centers.

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